Why Were the Dutch so Ineffective against Japan in Indonesia during WW2? History Hustle 22:07 1 year ago 217 777 Далее Скачать
Indonesia during World War II (1942 - 1945) - The Japanese Occupation of the Dutch East Indies History Hustle 3:47 7 years ago 21 585 Далее Скачать
Why Japan Defeated the Dutch SO EASILY in Indonesia History Hustle 0:58 7 months ago 12 514 Далее Скачать
Blitzkrieg in South East Asia - Japan's Conquest of Indonesia Animated Historigraph 12:54 3 years ago 288 701 Далее Скачать
[Indonesia] Japanese internment camps - World War II History Hustle 3:22 7 years ago 18 888 Далее Скачать
Why Doesn't Indonesia Speak Dutch?? (Documentary) Fisher & Elias - Your Brother Explains 12:22 1 year ago 1 068 654 Далее Скачать
Why did the Dutch Empire Fall Apart? (Short Animated Documentary) History Matters 3:31 4 years ago 1 719 877 Далее Скачать
The "True Liberation” of the Netherlands in World War II – The End of WW2 in the Dutch East Indies History Hustle 8:01 4 years ago 8 772 Далее Скачать
What was the "Netherlands' Vietnam?" | Dutch War in Indonesia (1945-1949) History With Hilbert 16:34 4 years ago 296 667 Далее Скачать
Japan has overrun Indonesian island of Java (Dutch East Indies) (1942) British Pathé 8:28 4 years ago 74 366 Далее Скачать
Battle for the Dutch East Indies - Pacific War #8 Animated DOCUMENTARY Kings and Generals 21:13 2 years ago 409 661 Далее Скачать
Why did Japan ban everyone except for the Dutch? (Short Animated Documentary) History Matters 3:27 1 year ago 2 192 848 Далее Скачать
The Japanese Occupation of Indonesia: A Look at the Positive and Negative Consequences HistorAI 0:55 1 year ago 1 682 Далее Скачать
Dutch East Indies - Indonesia - Japanese Occupation and Independence Historiespanarna 12:49 3 years ago 3 051 Далее Скачать
Why The Americans Attacked Surrendering Soldiers #shorts #history #ww2 #pacific #america #japan WhatHistory 0:22 1 year ago 853 265 Далее Скачать